Thursday, January 12, 2012

the izzy returns!

Well my '99 import IZH-35M started to develop doubling issues, as is a known issue on these pistols. This started back in Sept/Oct. The gun would double maybe once every 100-200 rounds, and I had one slam-fire upon racking the gun which scared me. Glad I always keep the muzzle pointed downrange.

So I sent the gun to EAA with a note that the gun was doubling. I got the gun back shortly after the new year. The gun was in a plastic bag inside the case. The repair order noted that the gun was 'excessively dirty' (which it wasn't, at least not in my opinion) and in the notes for repair, they noted that they cleaned the gun, "adjusted barrel" (I have no idea exactly what that means), and test-fired the gun with no issues.

Can't say I'm real happy they didn't address the doubling issue as they normally do by increasing the headspace by milling a relief in the breech-face.

Took the gun out for the first time last night and did not have any doubling issues in 250 rounds of Wolf MT, but I did have three failures to fire. In each, the round was inspected and found to have a good strike on the rim. Not sure if EAA did anything that would have decreased the striking power of the firing pin.

Anyway, glad to have the gun back, so we'll see if it doubles any more, in which case its back to EAA.

On a positive note, EAA did the work for free as a courtesy, besides the $20 return shipping fee.

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