Sunday, May 29, 2011

range report 5/29/2011

A little comparison today. Shot the MK3 with the Mueller Quickshot reflex-style red dot and the IZH-35m (izzy!) with stock iron sights. Guess who won? The izzy!

avg. 72.25
83 1x
89 1x
88 1x
89 3x
85 1x
84 1x
87 2x
85 1x
76 1x
88 3x
avg. 85.17
NMC. 242.58

avg. 77.5
93 2x
95 4x
89 1x
89 1x
avg. 91.5
NMC. 260.5

Saturday, May 28, 2011

range report 5/28/2011

Got the izzy back today from the gunsmith! Shot both the Ruger with the red dot and the Izzy with irons today.

Rapid fire izzy: 92,88,88,94-4x,85,86-1x,94-1x,88,85-1x,82,90-1x,86-1x. Avg. 88.17.

Rapid fire ruger: 85-1x,90,85,85,83-1x,94-2x,90,86,93-3x,89,92-1x,92-1x. Avg. 88.67.

Slow fire ruger: 86,72,79. Avg. 79.

Est. match score ruger: 256.33

range repot 5/27/2011

Rapid fire: 86-1x,88-1x,90-1x,90-2x,88-2x,90-2x,85-1x,87-2x,90-2x,87-1x,82,88,88-2x,83,83-1x,88-1x,85,87,87-2x,92-2x,89-2x,83,84,83. Avg: 86.8

Slow fire: 75,81,81,84. Avg: 80.25

Est. match score: 253.83

Friday, May 20, 2011

range report 5/20/2011

Last practice before my first match on Sunday. Shot my best yet.

Rapid fire: 78-1x,86,81,63,66,65,68,83-1x,75,73-1x,82,75,67,77,57,77,62,73,59,78,77,76,71,81-2x. Avg. 72.92

Slow fire: 56,68,59,62,60,60,59,59,53,55,71,61. Avg. 60.25

Est. match score: 206.10

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

range report 5/17/2011

rapid fire: 82,69,79-1x,72-1x,53-1x,67,67,70,71,80,65,77,73,62,66,67-1x,84,69,78,81,68,81,73,63,57,66,70,66,65,68,55. Avg. 69.81

Slow-fire: 62,63,50,62,71,63,50,55. Avg. 59.5

Est. match score: 199.11

No jams after installing the new Volquarsten extractor.

range report 5/16/2011

rapid fire only: 76,85,65,66,64,61,69,51,69,88,72,69,77,57,61,51,82,77,37,74. Avg. 67.55

Est. match score with a 67.55 in slow-fire: 202.65

Sunday, May 15, 2011

range report 5/15/2011

Today was a lot of shooting in preparation for my first match coming up this Sunday. Have to admit I'm anxious, so I wanted to see what I could do today. Cleaned the Ruger very well hoping for fewer jams. Also brought several other kinds of ammo with me. Tried out some Winchester Super-X standard velocity and Federal Automatch. The Federal seemed to run pretty well with only one stove-pipe, while the Super-X had two. But the good thing was that I encountered no 'slam-jams' when I fully loaded 10 rounds. I did notice that the modified magazine that sits lower in the well occasionally missed picking up the first round. The other magazines ran fine.

Everything felt good today, I had a lot of confidence. I got a bit sore during the slow-fire sections but I'm shooting four targets in a row, which won't happen in a real match.

On to the scores...

Rapid fire: 71,87-3x,63,53,73,70,73,39,71-2x,77,84,69,69,73,71-1x,69,65,76-1x,77-1x,70,76,66,74,67,57,59,59,74. avg. 69

Slow fire: 49,61,58,54,76,63,70,55. avg. 60.75

est. match score: 198.75

Saturday, May 14, 2011

range report 5/13/2011

Sighted in the Ruger today, which helped a lot. Didn't shoot my highest but I had a lot of jams, including a new mode of failure with the bolt smashing the second round which is feeding too high when I use 10-round-loaded magazines. Short-loading to 5 rounds seemed to cure the problem, but I still has some stove-pipes. Distracting...


Rapid fire: 79,84,73,75-1x,78,67,64,53,50,72-1x,80,51,74,56-1x,72-1x,63,54-1x. Avg. 67.35

Slow fire: 65,63,68,59,57,76,56,61. Avg. 63.125

Est. match score: 197.83

Monday, May 9, 2011

range report 5/9/2011

Got out again today, shot my best yet! Check out my scores:

slow fire: 72,71,59,65. avg. 66.75

rapid fire: 63,78,69-1x,58,65,84-1x,53,78,73,81,59,76,73,63-1x,61,58. avg. 68.25

est. match score: 203.25!

A little Kentucky windage and elevation goes a long way!