Went out to the range yesterday with the izzy and the Spartan, Les Baer is still in the shop getting the scope mount fixed. With the izzy, I, didn't shoot as well as I would have liked, although I shot some tight groups that were just a bit off. Not exactly sure why; tended to be low, but not low-left like I was jerking the trigger. Everything was tight on the gun, optic mount, etc.
Speaking of the optic mount, last time I put the gun together, I dremeled off the back of the optic mount to give clearance such that the upper shroud could be removed without having to remove the optic and rail. Well I could not get the upper shroud off to clean the gun. It would depress at the rear, but not enough for it to slide backwards and unhook from the gun. I ended up taking the optic off, then the rail. Checked the trigger weight adjustment screw to see if it backed out. No; that wasn't it. Turns out it was the optic rail rear screw. When using the stock screws, the optic rail rear screw will protrude far enough through the upper shroud to prevent its removal. I quickly fixed this problem with a dremel cutoff wheel.
Problems were mostly in the slow-fire, with weak scores there, as opposed to touching 90 like I was a little while ago. Not sure what the difference was, I didn't feel like anything changed with my technique.
Reliability was poor, with 4 light strikes coming on three rounds of Wolf MT and one of Eley Sport, along with a low-feed hang-up with a round of Eley sport. Not sure what to do about this besides send the gun back to EAA. I've thought about a couple ghetto fixes like maybe putting a dab of JB weld on the back of the firing pin, but I figure that would only make the guys at EAA mad when I have to send it back.
With the Spartan, things actually went pretty good. I only had a few failures to eject, always an issue of the empty getting caught between the slide and the optic mount. Not sure exactly how I am going to fix this. I tried dremeling some material off of the bottom of the mount but the metal it is made out of is very tough. I thought about cutting off the rear part of the mount and mounting the optic a little farther forward, sacrificing some balance for reliability.
But the good news was that I switched the left grip panel from the Herrett National grip which is a little thicker and has a thumb rest, to a stock 1911 grip panel, which is definitely thinner. I used my best impersonation of the 'Zins' grip, and I used even more trigger finger than usual, putting the crook of my finger on the LEFT edge of the trigger. This type of grip seems to give me the most leverage over the fairly heavy Spartan trigger pull and makes it feel to have less creep.
Rapid fire actually went pretty well with the Spartan, which is usually where I have trouble. Shots tended to still be a little left of center, so I will try adjusting my zero, although I know its my tendency to throw them that way. Need to get the gun on a proper rest.
The longer term plan with the Spartan I think is to get a trigger job and a slide-mount scope mount for it.
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