So I'm thinking that I'm kind of in a slump right now. My last several sessions I've failed to break 800 or 810, and my 45 shooting is slipping as well. It seems like I can't get into 'the zone'. The dot is moving around more than I would like, and the izzy trigger feels sloppy, while the Spartan trigger feels kind of unpredictable. Sometimes the Spartan has a nice smooth release and other times it seems to just bind and not want to shoot. I *feel* like I'm getting better with the 45, my confidence is going up with it and the recoil doesn't bother me like it used to. But I'm still getting a fair number of misses because of jerking the trigger, which is no good. As for the izzy, well the reset of the trigger was feeling weird yesterday, like it didn't want to reset as fast as usual, so I was having trouble 'riding' the reset like I normally do in sustained-fire.
The Spartan slide goes off today to Massechuttes where a guy has graciously agreed to drill and tap the slide and mount a rail to it so I can get rid of the Aimtech mount that is giving me FTE's on occasion.
I need to find that way to get back into 'the zone' on a consistent basis. Even my airgun shooting has been going down lately, so there's a clear slump. But that's ok, I know I need to shoot through it and just keep focused.
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