So I got out to the range after work yesterday. Same one I went to last week, its called TOP GUN. They even rent full-auto guns there, which I am going to have to try for sure some time. I know that will be ammo-expensive, but it looks like a ton of fun. Anyway, it is kind of distracting when the guy two lanes down from you is slinging full-auto lead down-range. Still its a nice range, 15 lanes and 51 feet of distance, which is exactly enough.
My wobble was bigger than normal, and it seems that my wobble troubles are coming in the vertical direction as opposed to horizontal or just all over. I did some adjustments to the izzy trigger last time I had it apart and well, it feels like crap. I am going to need to re-adjust it and see if I can get some magic back into that trigger. Right now it has a fairly heavy but short take-up and a fuzzy-feeling break point. Its hard to stage the trigger. Still I managed to shoot a decent match even though at the time I felt like I was really struggling what with the wobble and all.
With the Spartan, I definitely didn't shoot as good as I have before with the 45. Still having issues throwing shots low-left, which I KNOW is jerking the trigger. I experimented with some different finger positions on the trigger and am finding that a pad position might actually be best for me. I'm also still experimenting with how I grip the gun; how much of my hand goes around the grip to the right. Kind of variations on the 'Zins' grip.
What's kind of exciting, and kind of nerve-racking and pressuring at the same time, is that assuming our match isn't flooded out this month, if I can manage the same kind of performance that I did in the last match (815) or in this last practice session (810), I *think* that in two matches, I could make Expert. Now that would be HUGE for me. I shot my first match in May of last year, scoring a 711 with a Ruger MKII and iron sights. I would really be proud if I can do it. Really I would be happy if I could make expert by the end of this year.
Oh and get this: after my modifications to the firing pin, the izzy ran FLAWLESSLY. No light strikes, no stove-pipes, no high-feeds. I'm hoping to get out to the range again after work today to pick up my S&W wonder-nine and shoot that a little bit, but also try to shoot a 900 with the izzy.
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