Went out again on Thursday with my buddy, again with the Ruger but to a different range. We shot the 'good stuff', being CCI standard velocity. Fired about 200 rounds between us. Again we shot at 20 yards or there-about.
My scores:
slow fire: 64, 35, 63, 54, 43, 52. avg: 51.83
rapid: 59, 67, 60, 62, 37, 72, 81. avg: 62.57
est. match score: 177.
Very happy with those scores, my match score improved about 25 points while my slow fire went up 15 points and my rapid fire went up about 5 points. Lots of room for improvement, but I felt like this was good progress from the last session.
Stance: Finding that I'm still adjusting my stance, but that its somewhat 'easy' in the sense that I close my eyes, bring the gun on target, and if its not pointing to the target, I rotate until my natural arm motion lands on the target with my eyes closed. I like to hook my left hand into my pocket, just feels nice and keeps that arm out of the way and feels like its doing something as opposed to just hanging there.
Breathing: Getting better at consistency here. I like to take two really big breaths in between shots in slow-fire, and then load up on a regular breath when I raise the gun. In rapid fire my breathing is still about the same; I do all 5 of my shots while slowly exhaling. I know some people take half breaths during the course of fire, but I like to keep everything in a rhythm and try to make each shot the same.
Grip: Getting better here too. I know grip consistency is really important and its always a bit hard using someone else's gun to get that consistency. But the Hogue grips with their finger grooves help, along with the thumb-rest. I have been gripping about as tight as I can, then backing off from that point just a little bit. I had slightly better control of the gun during recoil, but it still moves up and left during rapid fire and I have to wait for the sights to settle back on target.
Sights: Finally getting used to the tall front sight on the Ruger and remembering to get it all the way down in the notch of the rear sight. My buddy's gun is not setup to 'dot the i' which is to say aim below the black of the target. That technique helps because the black front sight stands out better on the white background below the bullseye. Instead I needed to aim at the center of the bull and that makes for a little bit of trouble in terms of contrast against the target. My buddy wants to put some new sights on the Ruger but with the tapered barrel model, you can't change the front sight. I did have a few issues where I was transitioning my focus from the front sight to the target to assure alignment which is bad; I need to keep focused on the front sight exclusively and getting proper alignment with the rear notch.
Trigger: I've already described before the trigger pull of the Ruger, which has been modified by a gunsmith and is quite good. My own habits are more important: I continue to place the first crook of my finger onto the right edge of the trigger. This just feels like the most stable point for me, and I'm not sure that I'm going to change it; I need to consult with my mentor. I do feel like I am pulling more straight-back that I have been. I did not notice myself pushing my shots to the left, which may have been recoil anticipation. That's interesting, because the MKII does have more recoil than the IZH and moves more in the hand. If anything, I was pulling slightly to the right. That does potentially indication too much trigger finger, but then again, my scores improved. Not sure exactly what to make. I have a video of one of my shots in slow-fire that I'll post soon.